Friday, February 1, 2008


So who knew that putting your Ipod on your laptop would cause the screen to break? Not me. Last night while completely engulfed in the season premere of LOST, I set Gary's Ipod on my keyboard to my laptop which was sitting right next to me on the couch. At some point the laptop closed a little bit and the Ipod was touching the screen. And according to Randy, "The Geek Squad Guy" at Best Buy, this acts just like a magnet on your TV screen. I came home early from work because I wasn't feeling good and found the laptop that I have only had for a year, and for once in my life opted out of the extra $200 extended warranty,completely ruined. Now I have to either buy a new $700 screen for a perfectly good laptop or buy a whold new computer for $900. I am soo angry about this. I dreaded calling Gary at work to tell him how smart I was, I even thought about blamming one of the kids! But my wonderful husband was very understanding. I thank God for his patients. I knew I just should have stayed in bed today!


jennie said...

Oopps is right. I am so sorry but glad you got a good deal on a new one. I dont know if anyone still checks this blog anymore(since its been a month between posts)but you need to blog your good news!( no, she's not pregnant,why does everyone alway think that when you have good news?)