Today was my last day of work. You would think I would be super happy right now. I'm not. I was emotional as soon as I walked in the door at 6:56 this morning. I have worked at JTI for almost 10 years and I have seen these people more than I see my husband and kids. I have made some life long friendships and I am so sad to go. At 9AM they all threw me a going away party and made me cry...again! I had actually been crying since I walked in the door though and saw Felix, one of our supervisors (he has this knack for it, it wasn't the first time I have cried on Felix's shoulder in the last 9 years ) My plant manager said some really nice things and they got me a beautiful cake and pitched in on a gift certificate at the Glamazon(my favorite hair salon!) and a gift certificate to buy enough scrubs to last me a very long time! You guys are the best! And some of my favorite people got me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers that are making my house smell wonderful right now. After work I went out with Lesley for lunch & some drinks. Angi, Ed and Arend surprised me by showing up too. I had so much fun, all though I think I may have drank a little too much. I'm not a big drinker so the drinks added up fast and it seemed like every time I went to the bathroom, someone would buy me a drink while I was gone. So at some point tomorrow I have to go get my car!
So tonight I am feeling kind of homesick. I feel a little lost without my routine and the people I have been close to for so long. I think things will be better in a week when I start my new routine.I just hope they know how much I appreciate them...

Dude, the pic of you and your cake looks like you work in a McDonalds!! I had no idea your breakroom was like that...I pictured it like the cafeteria in high school. So who gets your spot at the cool kids table?
I am glad you are done there! Time to move on. Plus this summer is going to be so fun!!!!
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