

Bits and pieces of me and my life...
Posted by
7:05 PM
Okay so after my awful day on Friday with the whole laptop ipod thing, I finally got some good news in the mail on Saturday. Since about 2004 I have been waiting to start the nursing program at MCC and I finally got my letter! I will be starting on May 12th, which means I will be quitting my job of almost 10 years to go to school full-time. A little scary, but I am so excited.
Posted by
4:50 PM
So who knew that putting your Ipod on your laptop would cause the screen to break? Not me. Last night while completely engulfed in the season premere of LOST, I set Gary's Ipod on my keyboard to my laptop which was sitting right next to me on the couch. At some point the laptop closed a little bit and the Ipod was touching the screen. And according to Randy, "The Geek Squad Guy" at Best Buy, this acts just like a magnet on your TV screen. I came home early from work because I wasn't feeling good and found the laptop that I have only had for a year, and for once in my life opted out of the extra $200 extended warranty,completely ruined. Now I have to either buy a new $700 screen for a perfectly good laptop or buy a whold new computer for $900. I am soo angry about this. I dreaded calling Gary at work to tell him how smart I was, I even thought about blamming one of the kids! But my wonderful husband was very understanding. I thank God for his patients. I knew I just should have stayed in bed today!
Posted by
8:46 AM
Labels: the ipod