Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Coming Up For Air...

Thought I would try to get a blog in this week since it has been over a month since my last one! The pictures below show what I have been up to .
The clock says 2AM, this has been typical since I started this semester. I thank the makers of Monster energy drink, I don't know how I would survive nursing school without you! It's actually kind of nice staying up this late to do work. It is so quiet in the house, no interruptions. And this way I don't miss time with Gary and the kids when they are up. Even though this is the hardest thing I have ever done, it is also one of the best. I am really enjoying this semester. I survived both of my presentations, yea! And I just finished my first nursing class and passed my final exam with only 3 wrong answers! Whoohoo!


We have been trying to spend a lot of time outside while it's nice out. The kids get so bored and start to drive me crazy when we have so many days in a row with rain.